

QPC Group’s Plant-A-Tree Program

QPC Group is extremely proud to have a program that plants trees back in WA since 2008.

So far we have planted over 17,000 trees and we use Carbon Neutral to find the areas & to plant the seedlings. The pictures show that Carbon Neutral’s 2021 planting was completed in late July in the Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor.

Yarra Yarra Biodiversity Corridor – Winter 2021

The 2021 planting was completed late July. Carbon Neutral actually exceeded the total planned planting area, finishing up with more than 600ha of newly established plantings across 2 of our properties (including their new property in Perenjori Shire which was purchased earlier this year – photo attached). The early rains from the tail of Tropical Cyclone Seroja were very welcome to help prepare the ground for planting.

As they do each year, Carbon Neutral planted via direct seeding as well as planting nursey-raised seedlings. The total mix across the 2 sites for 2021 was 66 indigenous species: it’s super important that they maintain focus on enhancing the biodiversity across all planting sites.

The photos really show the country Carbon Neutral plant in and the region that QPC’s support of Plant-a-Tree are from.  This property was essentially an abandoned farm (not suitable for traditional agriculture). It’s very close to station country – ancient landscapes and soils. PS: the ute has one of the seedling trailers behind it and you can see the land preparation for the seeds and the seedlings. The soil is that red!

We thank you for choosing QPC Group as your supplier. Your decision not only benefits your company, but also the environment and planet we live on.


