

How to overcome 49. Errors on HP printers and MFP’s

This video shows a fix when you get 49.XX.XX errors on your HP printer or MFP. This error generally shows up when printing pdf documents however can occur simply from a communication issue between the printer and the computer. The video shows you how to overcome the issue and update your printer and computer to ensure it does not reoccur.

HP Printer Error 49.XX.XX
The error message is something similar to this:

Event Firmware Description
49.00FF 52.254.2 F60F 660 Device Error

A print error 49 will occur on the printer when trying to print a document, typically a PDF.

This error usually indicates a mis-communication between the printer and the computer sending the document. It can be the communication process itself or a corrupt pdf that has cause d the issue.

Sometimes the printer will ask for a restart and other times it will restart by itself.

One problem may be if there is the problem document stuck in the printer queue that it will cause the 49 error to reoccur every time the printer tries to restart. If this happens you will need to remove the job from the printer queue to prevent the 49 issue reoccurring.

1st STEP – Check current printer firmware
2nd STEP – and update your firmware of your printer
3rd STEP – Update your adobe acrobat program

The video below will guide you through this process.
